Toughie No 172 by Busman
Was the Busman on holiday?
+ – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment **
This one was a bit too easy!
1a The times are changing, son (4)
{ERAS} – these times are an anagram of ARE with S(on)
9a Celebration of ten-year trance without a change (12)
{TERCENTENARY} – a celebration of rather more than ten years is an anagram of TEN-YEAR TR(A)NCE without one of the “A”s
10a & 7d Legitimate target at coconut shy, say (4,4)
{FAIR GAME} – a novel idea, two clues for the price of one (also known as BOGOF!) – this one is a part-cryptic double definition
11a Community’s paying of an account (10)
{SETTLEMENT} – a non-cryptic double definition
15a Formula One driver Lauda, we hear, is fussy (7)
{FINICKY} – FI and NICKY (Niki Lauda, we hear)
16a What the French said for “duplicate” (5)
{DITTO} – according to Chambers it’s from the Italian, but then what do they know?
18a Hut as new, keeping back copy of ‘How to heat your villa’ (9)
{HYPOCAUST} – an anagram of HUT AS around COPY reversed gives this Roman version of under-floor central heating
19a Fighting Italian army back first (2,2)
{AT IT} – IT(alian) preceded by TA reversed
20a River – one from in Germany – No! (4)
{AVON} – A VON – according to Mrs BD, von does mean from in German
21a Indispensable lease isn’t renewed (9)
{ESSENTIAL} – an anagram of LEASE ISN’T
23a Deity: one from animal life (5)
{FAUNA} – an ancient Italian deity with A (one) giving animal life which is often paired with flora
24a See-green! (7)
{LINCOLN} – Robin Hood’s diocese?
26a He’s walking around desert, in awful pain (10)
{PEDESTRIAN} – two nested anagrams: DESERT inside PAIN
29a Average emergency coming to nought (2-2)
{SO-SO} – SOS with O (nought) just about describes this clue
30a Inability to take part in contest in pub against the church (12)
{INCOMPETENT} – COMPETE inside INN followed by CE
31a Some redhead is heavenly (4)
{DISH} – hidden inside redheaD IS Heavenly – an attempted all-in-one that forgot there should be a definition somewhere
2d Selling lions or hot cakes? (7,5)
{ROARING TRADE} – a cryptic double definition
3d Tidy up after shattering into pieces (10)
{STRAIGHTEN} – an anagram of SHATTERING – I thought I had seen this before, and I had: Shattering into pieces – sort it out (10) is from Toughie 113 by, yes you’ve guessed it, Busman
4d Search following hazard? (5)
{FRISK} – a charade of F(ollowing) and RISK
5d A proper get-together (4)
{MEET} – as in meet and proper
6d Celebrities having goal during stages of journey (7)
{LEGENDS} – these celebrities come from inserting END into LEGS
7d & 10a County show – one with mega-RAF involvement (4,4)
{FAIR GAME} – the other half of this two for one offer is an anagram of I and MEGA-RAF
8d Island in Hackney, otherwise in Chiswick (4)
{EYOT} – hidden inside HacknEY, OTherwise is an island that gets a mention every year during the Boat Race
12d Carefully watch batsman that’s startling (3-6)
{EYE-OPENER} – a cryptic definition
13d Hairy creature – thanks to natural mutation (9)
{TARANTULA} – TA with an anagram of NATURAL give us this hairy creature
14d Their country’s champions – like Red Rum and Mon Mome? (12)
{NATIONALISTS} – this cryptic definition is an unconvincing pun on the Grand National winners
17d Such characters are inclined to be idealistic, maybe (10)
22d Orange porcelain (7)
{SATSUMA} – a double definition of fruit and Japanese porcelain
25d Crazy Annie is senseless (5)
{INANE} – crazy is the anagram indicator for ANNIE, but could just as easily been the definition
26d Quiet tune or two (4)
{PAIR} – P (quiet) and AIR
27d Love-bird (4)
{DUCK} – I’ve never seen this double definition before!
28d Very keen on part of Spain – Torremolinos (4)
{INTO} – a horrible modern synonym for “very keen on” is hidden in SpaIN – TOrremolinos
I guess if I had compiled this puzzle then I would have been quite pleased with it. But then I would not have dared to submit it as a candidate for the Toughie.
I’ve only just noticed that half of the down clues were missing – I put them up hours ago and can’t understand why they had disappeared.
16a French for say “dit” + “to”
I did know that “dit” was the past tense of to say, but are you saying that the “to” comes from duplicate = too = to. That’s why I ruled it out. :(
I took it be for = to (as in “I’m heading for Glastonbury”).
Gazza – thats how I read it too…
I must admit to being so unconvinced.
I presume that “the French said” is dit (past tense of ‘dire’).
Gazza 100% correct – see comment above. You would expect me to comment on this wouldn’t you. :-)
I also thought dit +to was what was intended. Agree that puzzle was very easy.
It was tripe!!!!!