Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3241
A full review by crypticsue
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
This puzzle was published on 3rd December 2023
BD Rating – Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
Gently enjoyable
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought
1a Fearless Latvian on manoeuvres (7)
VALIANT – An anagram (on manoeuvres) of LATVIAN
5a Rally in park finished (7)
RECOVER – REC (recreation ground, park) OVER (finished)
9a Great fun bottling our dairy product (4,5)
SOUR CREAM – SCREAM (great fun) ‘bottling’ OUR (from the clue)
10a A native of Ayrshire, say, somewhere in Berkshire (5)
ASCOT – A (from the clue) SCOT (native of Ayrshire, say)
11a Refined member caught in a net, unfortunately (7)
ELEGANT – LEG (member) ‘caught’ in an anagram (unfortunately) of A NET
12a Supply put down to the left (7)
DELIVER – A reversal (to the left) of REVILED (put down)
13a Figure identified admitting affair … (9)
SEVENTEEN – SEEN (identified) ‘admitting’ EVENT (affair)
16a … number in relationship originally concealed by you! (5)
THREE – R (relationship originally) ‘concealed’ by THEE (you)
17a Empty scarlet and green tube (5)
STRAW – The outside (empty) letters of ScarleT and RAW (green)
18a Embargo on developing primitive weapon (9)
BOOMERANG – An anagram (developing) of EMBARGO ON
21a Obtain work, and ask for new job? (7)
REAPPLY – REAP (obtain) PLY (work)
22a Explorer backed by company leaves (7)
TOBACCO – A reversal (backed) of CABOT (explorer) by CO (company)
25a Legal defence, some fib I later retracted (5)
ALIBI – Hidden in reverse (some … retracted) in fIB I LAter
26a On diversion, not a road I love (9)
ADORATION – An anagram (on diversion) of NOT A ROAD I
27a Built before beginning of century, and oddly trendy (7)
ERECTED – ERE (before), C (the beginning of Century) and the odd letters of TrEnDy
28a Doctor in Welshman heading for Swansea for remedy (7)
REDRESS – DR (doctor) inserted into REES (Welshman), the result finished with the ‘heading’ for Swansea
1d Welcomed by Conservatives, personal service (7)
VESPERS – Hidden in (welcomed by) conservatiVES PERSonal
2d Insect in shirt, initially unseen (5)
LOUSE – bLOUSE (shirt) without its initial letter
3d Line chartered accountant has drawn up, showing capital (5)
ACCRA – ARC (line) CA (chartered accountant) reversed (drawn up)
4d Where apron found, and where scrubs are worn? (7)
THEATRE- An apron stage is found in a theatre; scrubs are worn in an operating theatre
5d Nothing served up after sheep, when fasting occurs (7)
RAMADAN – A reversal (served up) of NADA goes after RAM (sheep)
6d Queen of puddings? (9)
CHARLOTTE – The name of George III’s wife or the name given to several different puddings
7d Failing, saver turned the other way (4,5)
VICE VERSA – VICE (failing) and an anagram (turned) of SAVER
8d One stepping down on one boarding plane, say (7)
RETIREE – RE (on the subject of) and I (one) ‘boarding’ TREE (plane, say)
14d Multi-talented dancing relatives (9)
VERSATILE – An anagram (dancing) of RELATIVES
15d Fresh run for paper (9)
NEWSPRINT – NEW (fresh) SPRINT (run)
17d Top champion on the board? (7)
SURFACE – A SURF ACE might be a champion on the board
18d Party ultimately hosted by Robert, with group of lads (3,4)
BOY BAND – Y (the ultimate letter of partY) ‘hosted’ by BOB (Robert) and followed by AND (with)
19d Situated in the garden, say, better alternative (7)
OUTDOOR – OUTDO (better) OR (alternative)
20d Land in what remains of coffee? (7)
GROUNDS – Double definition
23d Plait I secured with nail (5)
BRAID – I (from the clue) ‘secured’ in BRAD (nail)
24d Country Siberian, did you say? (5)
CHILE – A homophone (did you say) of CHILLY (an informal meaning of Siberian being blooming cold!)
Is 13a-16a a reference to the scoreline of a rugby match or other event?