Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29670 (Hints)
The Saturday Crossword Club
Hosted by Tilsit
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Good morning from a woefully wet Warrington.
Today’s puzzle didn’t cause too many stresses and not too many reaches for the Big Red Book (or Mrs Bradford’s epic oeuvre!).
As for the setter? Having been wrong for the last two weeks, I am not going to hazard a guess as to who he is. I’ll keep my guess to myself until he calls. It’s not quite a pangram though!
Let us know what you think. Remember the usual rules!
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions. Thank you to our setter for an enjoyable solve this morning!
Some hints follow:
1a Disturbance in medical lecture (7)
An anagram (disturbance) of MEDICAL
10a Women bent on heavenly body being seen afresh (3,4)
An anagram of WOMEN plus the word ON
11a 9 Across character on strike (9)
You’ll need to solve 9 across for the definition. Another word for a character plus a word meaning strike in a sporting context.
13a Exhausted — as is American car? (5)
A word that means exhausted is a cryptic way of describing what wheels an American has on his car (in his lingo).
15a Subject matter to cover in huge area (9)
A word for subject matter goes ‘over’ IN to give a large area.
17a Person buying drink welcomed by ship’s finance officer (9)
The name for someone who looks after finance on a ship has an alternative name for a hot drink inside.
23a Produce notes, pocketing cool money in Austria once (9)
A way of producing notes vocally has a word meaning to cool inside.
26a Resting across raised switches, bolt finally secured (7)
An anagram (switches) of RAISED plus the last letter of BOLT inside.
28a Feverish, so slept with pyjama bottoms only? (7)
An anagram (feverish) of SO SLEPT.
1d Little tear perhaps left in tatty red top (7)
An anagram (tatty) of RED TOP with L inside.
4d Much money mother hoards say, somewhere north of Greater London (9)
Inside a short word for mother goes an abbreviation for say or for example. Add to this the abbreviation for a county just north of London.
6d Movement on course, swallows fly (9)
A word meaning swallows, as in a drink, plus a word meaning to fly.
7d Stodge at the bottom, reason for stirring (7)
The last letter of STODGE, plus a word meaning reason.
14d After downpour initially, day three surprisingly dry (9)
An anagram of DAY THREE goes after the first letter of downpour.
18d Sailor upset with bank gets more irritable (7)
An word for sailor reversed, plus a word for a bank or level.
21d Compound is large in African capital (7)
An anagram (Compound) of IS LARGE.
24d Lease at an end — relief! (3-2)
The name for a property lease, plus something meaning at an end gives the phrase.
Thanks to our setter for today’s effort. Let us know what you think and follow the normal rules.
The Crossword Club is now open.
Our music today is simply sublime.
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The Quick Crossword pun: mussel+beech=muscle beach ????
Nothing to frighten the horses today, all over and done with in *** time.
My only query was the use of the word ‘Across’ in 11a. Surely this is against the convention that this is only used when necessary to differentiate from a ‘Down’, but in this case there isn’t one. I can’t see that it improves the surface particularly, or have I missed something?
I hadn’t heard of the Quickie pun. Not a place that I have visited.
Many thanks to the compiler and Tilsit.
I was thinking that “Across” referred to “the answer to 9A” (the definition), as well as the clue number. I thought it was rather clever — but then I could be completely wrong (as usual).
Welcome to the blog Rod
Thank you.
I’ve been enjoying the Telegraph prize crossword, weekly, for more years than I really care to remember and have been lucky enough to land 2 or 3 notebook holders in the past … but, alas, never the lovely pen!
This lovely site is usually my “go to” place if there’s something I can’t quite fathom … I find The Mine particularly useful.
Many thanks to all concerned.
Initially I found this quite tricky and for awhile found it difficult to get on the compiler’s wavelength. Once a few of the easier clues were solved, it became a steady and reasonably straightforward finish. Loved 28a, COTD. 10a and 17a were also well crafted but bugbear was the simply awful 13a. It has popped up recently and hopefully will be buried for good. Thanks Tilsit and compiler for a mostly fun solve.
Steady solve this morning. Thought it was going to be tricky but solved in quadrants. Last one in was the SW with 27a and 17d being the last two in. I did not like 3d – assuming I have it right. 13 23 25 and 28a and 4d all appealed to me. Thanks Setter. I’ve no idea but perhaps ProXimal? Thanks Tilsit. I shall now peruse the hints and hope I’ve not made any howlers.
I’m with you on 3d, assuming I have it right too!
Me too! Last one in.
And me, I didn’t like it either
It seemed ok to me ….. A (from the clue) followed by “plane”.
Initially I thought the same about three down ,but then the phrase “ put ***** some money” occurred to me. Or was it the “a plane “ bit that you didn’t like?
I found this quite challenging but enjoyable nonetheless. I got held up in the NE through an inability to crack 1a, not knowing the synonym for lecture and spending far too long working out the anagram.
My favourites go to the maths themed 25a & 20d, plus 11a for the d’oh moment when the penny dropped.
For 8d, is an exclamation mark used rather than a question mark because it is not cryptic? And if so, what does it add to the clue?
Thanks to the setter and Tilsit
2*/4*. Good fun for a wet start to the weekend with nice brief clues.
4d is an American term and on this occasion the BRB agrees with me.
I rarely nominate anagrams but 14d makes it onto my podium today alongside 7d & 16d.
Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.
It took a long time to get on the setter’s wave-length. However, I persevered and, despite only finding 4 clues on the first pass, things began to speed up. Some of the clues were quite impenetrable and 13a was rather poor, I thought. I got satisfaction from finishing the puzzle rather than real enjoyment (3,/2.5*). The best of the clues were 17a and 23a). Thanks to Tilsit for the hints and to the compiler (not my cup of tea I’m afraid).
I found 9a and 11a to be initially rather confusing, but then my head cleared a bit, and with those last two in, I managed a nice, speedy solve. Podium stars: 4d, 15a, 14d. Thanks to Tilsit and today’s setter. ** / ***
The Quickie pun(s) were popular during the heyday of the Beach Boys, California beach parties, The Mouseketeers, and the Surfing 50s/60s. Didn’t hear much about them here on the East Coast, did we?
I agree with those above that I didn’t find this one straightforward by any means. All fair clueing but quite tough and ***/** for me. At least not too much GK required. No real COTD springs to mind. Thanks to Tilsit and the as yet unknown setter for a steady but slow plod.
I found this much easier than the Prizers of late but it did ask some questions esp 20d, my last in, took ages to see the function. Really well hidden anagrams.
Best clues for me were 11a and 4d.
I enjoyed this one so thanks to all esp the DT and the setter.
Yes, 20d was one of those I bunged in as I gave up trying to reason why.
Think a maths function?
A puzzle of 2 halves for me. Bottom went in smoothly then the top put up quite a fight.
Enjoyable, though.
Thanks to Tilsit and to the setter.
A miserable drizzle has just started here, a prelude to a long downpour if the forecasters are to be believed.
Back to watching the election results for me.
Probably a good example of what a SPP should be but it was spoiled by a few Hmms. In particular, I am with Weekend Wanda and Manders on 3d and I think our setter needs a new compass for 4d. 3*/2.5*.
Not exactly ‘not quite a pangram’ in my book – my scan suggests four letters ‘missing.’
No standout favourites, but I did like 17a, 22a, and 5d.
Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
A bit of a struggle for me today but it is a prize puzzle but, with a little help from Danword, I finished. Like others I did not care for 3d much and I’m with Brian on 20d. However, I thought the lurker was very well hidden and other clues raised a few chuckles such as 11a, which is my COTD.
Many thanks to the setter and, of course, to Tilsit for the hints.
The Quickie pun meant nothing to me. I guess there’s a place known as that somewhere. 🤔🤔
As others have commented, it took a little while to get onto the setter’s wavelength and I did think there were a few odd surface reads – 26a for instance.
Podium places here went to 17,25&26a plus 14d.
Thanks to our setter – no idea who it is – and to Tilsit for the hints.
Pretty straightforward on the whole. Identifying the missing 2 letters for 3d was the only real head scratcher but eventually twigged once the right plane dawned on me. No idea who the setter might be but a good number of the clues had the brevity of a Ray T so maybe he or she is a fan. Didn’t care for 13a but quite liked the 9a/11a combo & I’ll plump for a podium of 26a with 4&6d as my picks of the bunch – sadly re 6d I can only dream of getting into that position on the golf course illustrated in Tilsit’s pic. Filthy weather here in Harpenden so it looks like the NTSPP, Paul in the Graun & maybe even Elgar as the best alternatives to housework.
Thanks to the setter & Tilsit
Ps today’s music is Latest Record Project Vol 1, Van’s new release, which is profoundly grumpy, largely disappointing & after a couple of listens only 6 of the 28 tracks added to my playlist.
No real difficulties this morning. **/*** I didn’t like 9 and 11a. Perhaps I’m missing something but I can’t see where “lid” comes into the answer in 9a. I thought 3d was quite clever. It’s not the first definition that comes to mind. Favourite 5d. Thanks to all.
“Removing lid”
I see. Thank you! Weird.
This was enjoyable if somewhat of a wrangle particularly in the North. 11a and 3d rather dodgy. 20d function didn’t occur to me. Fav was 17a. Quickie pun Californian strand a new one on me. Thank you Mysteron and Tilsit particularly for La Divina’s
Costa Diva – beautiful as always.
The NE corner my only hold up this morning, although having completed it I cannot see why. Must be me being dim, as a Kath would say. It was all good fun while it lasted with some fine clues, of which the popular 14d was my favourite, probably because it reminds me of the long form of cricket.
My thanks to our Saturday setter and Tilsit.
Reasonably straightforward solve for me assuming I’ve got 3d correct but enjoyable just the same ,
Quick question and excuse my ignorance but does each day’s setter also set the quickie puzzle?
I always find the quickie the hardest crossword to complete, today’s was miles beyond me
The trouble with the Quickie, HYD is that you either know the answer or not. I only like the Quickie when I complete it!
I think the Quickie is awful, too many answers! Husband loves it as he cant think laterally.
An average difficulty SPP for me.
East Side went in quite smoothly but West more problematic with NW corner the last to fall.
LIked the misleading use of function in 20d but 14d gets my COTD.
Thanks to setter and Tilsit for the hints.
Finished before lunch with ony a minor request to a friend to ask if my letters on one clue were correct, so I’m going to count that as unaided. I have also improved my record time by a couple of hours. My thanks to the setter!
Found this Saturday puzzle a nice way to start the weekend. For me in BC, I completed this on Friday night as once again nothing decent on the box. **/***** my rating.
Some nice clues too including 11a, 17a, 23a, 27a, 4d, 6d & 8d with my winner being 11a with 23a runner up.
Got a smile from 27a, 4d, 8d & 18d
A nice puzzle overall.
Another wet day to endure in Greater Vancouver…ugh!
Thanks to setter for the fun and Tilsit for hinting
NW corner held me up a bit, I had for some reason told myself they were connected to some strange Disney thing. I guess it was the final letter of 11
baffled me. The light suddenly dawned. I wonder how Roy gets on! I assume 8d is sporty? Still have many areas of ignorance in that quarter. Liked 14d and 28a. Many thanks to Tilsit and the setter. 4d was a surprise!
With regard to the Quickie pun, it’s in California and is a place where bodybuilders go. :yawn:
I think this is Venice Beach in California, where Arnold Schwarzenegger used to train in the ’70’s. There’s a Muscle Beach in Florida too, Steve.
It is. Venice Beach is a great place.
Well, one lives and learns! Don’t think such a place would benefit me now even if it ever could.
I’m with you on that one Steve. I was on holiday in Santa Monica many years ago with my husband and young family. A decision was made to do something healthy and hire bikes to cycle the boardwalk running along Muscle beach. They say that you never forget how to ride a bike. It is very easy to forget how to ride a bike. I was terrified. So many fitness fanatics on bikes/ roller skates, let alone all the muscly people doing stuff on the beach. I felt out of place then, I would have no chance now.
It seems to be sorting out the wheat from the chaff, Florence! You and I would not fit in, Huntsman thinks it is a great place and Chriscross is sitting on the fence! :grin:
My American godson, who was very keen on sport certainly enjoyed it. For a few years, after graduating from Penn State, he enjoyed himself as a ski instructor in Colorado in Winter and a swim instructor in California in Summer, when he visited Venice Beach.
Thanks for the explanation. I spent ages trying to work out what it was. Not helped by having ‘repel’ for 5D, and therefore ‘birch’ for the tree …
A pleasant enough lunchtime headscratcher; for a few moments thought it was going to be a struggle so started at the other end, at which point it came together very swiftly. Rather anagram-heavy but some lovely surfaces, good lurkers, and witty construction. Ticks afterwards next to 12a, 17a, 4d and 18d, but my COTD is 16d.
Many thanks to Setter & to Tilsit. Now to get back to the other half of yesterday’s Times puzzle, with yesterday’s Elgar(?) then available if my brain has not given up by then!
I can recommend today’s Times prize puzzle and the Cryptic Jumbo as both being outstanding challenges.
Thanks, Tilsit – have finally finished yesterday’s Times (with some typically odd or hmmmmmm answers!) and really don’t feel up to an Elgar, so today’s Times it is.
Difficult with little enjoyment. As for 3d I really can’t be bothered to go through the electronic list of possibles again.
Thanks to Tilsit, and to the setter for giving me something to moan about.
Well, we found this straightforward, a wavelength thing I assume. No outstanding COTD. Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
I was a bit apprehensive tackling the Saturday puzzle but found that it gave less difficulty than some of the weekday puzzles.
Slowed slightly at 11a where I had checkers L,T, E,B and biffed ‘litterbug’. However soon recovered from this error but, like others, found the 9a/11a referencing unsatisfactory. Enjoyed 23a, 28a and 4d. **/***
I didn’t have any trouble with 3d, but a few others caused me to double check before I penned them in. But I got there in the end with some head scratching. Can’t say I have ever heard 1a as a lecture. And 13a is spelt the American way, but have never heard anyone over here use is that way. Not a lot of fun, but more enjoyable than the past two days, so that is a plus. Thanks to setter and Tilsit. Believe Merusa might be going home this weekend, which will make Sadie one happy dog.
1a is a verb
Good fun today…not too tricky, but with a few headscratching moments. Took a while to get going, like others.
Not sure I have come across 1a before. Not keen on 3d, but in all enjoyable fun.
Thanks both.
Despite solving, I think, 11a I cannot make head nor tail of 9a and 2d
Double definition & homophone
9A – double meaning – gives the answer to 11A if you break the answer down to two words. 2D a v weak clue (imho) Substitute ‘listened’ with ‘sounds like’ gives a word that is vaguely synonymous with shark (but not the marine one)
Welcome to the blog Theophilus
Another enjoyable puzzle.
I particularly liked 11 and 4 but got slightly delayed in the SE by thinking the answer had two first consonants . I looked it up to check although it couldn’t have been anything else.
Still can’t see why it hadn’t got two , very odd .
Have a great weekend everybody.
All fairly straightforward. My only holdup was the misdirection in 6d. Thank you setter and Tilsit. Hard to believe that it’s so cold, wet and miserable today I had to make soup for lunch.
Finished although it was quite tricky in places and Tilsit’s excellent hints were needed to confirm a couple of answers. Thought 16D was well crafted 👍
Thanks to the challenging compiler and to Tilsit for the blog ‘n hints!
Finished without help all but 6d, as it refers to an activity I know less about than kabaddi. I had thought of the answer but dismissed it. Ho hum.
Thanks to all.
Having spent all my formative years living north of London, it certainly wasn’t in the area referred to in 4d. I really dislike that sort of slang answer as well. I didn’t realise that 6d was a single word but what else could it be? I finished it all but, and I don’t know how to take this, with seemingly less enjoyment than Brian.
I didn’t manage to finish this before I went out last night. The bottom was fine but I found the top wasn’t doing it for me until my husband came to the rescue abs got a few in which allowed me to finish – apart from 3d for which I needed electronic help. Lots of clever clues – I think 6d wins. ***/****
Much less tricky than last Saturday unless that it was just that my neural pathways were more crossword centric ! Favourite clue probably 6d. Was it coincidentally a down clue one wonders ?
Running a bit late and would catch up a bit faster if crosswords were not as hard as this one.
Needed a couple of sittings to complete but wondered why it took so long.
Thanks to the setter for the good head scratching and to Tilsit for the hints.
I enjoyed this puzzle.
For the quickie pun my guess would be Mousehole Beach.
More often spoken as Muzzle (mussel) beach.
Apologies if this has already been offered.
A very good day to all,