ST 2957 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 2957

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2957

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 24th June 2018

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment ***

Not that difficult a solve – handy for the stand-in blogger– but that did allow time to appreciate some splendid surface readings

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a     Like green area — reverse of awful desert (8)
FORESTED – Reverse OF (from the clue) and follow with an anagram (awful) of DESERT

9a     Musical work to repeat with variation (8)
OPERETTA – An anagram (with variation) of TO REPEAT

10a     Ready to publish what’s in daily, twice? Just the opposite (4)
EDIT – A reversal (just the opposite) of TIDE (what comes in twice a day)

11a     Reckoned without precision as a quietly expert team won game (12)
APPROXIMATED – A (from the clue) P (quietly in music notation) PRO (expert) XI (eleven – the number in a team) MATED (won a game of chess)

13a     Violent criminal ousting many from Germany full of dread (8)
GANGSTER – Remove (ousting) MANY from GERmany and fill with ANGST (dread)

15a     Desired weight I lost (6)
WISHED – W (weight) I (from the clue) SHED (lost)

16a     Exhaust, we hear, or other part of car (4)
TYRE – A homophone (we hear) of TIRE (exhaust)

17a     Repeatedly strike for hard cash these days (5)
POUND – Double definition, one a verb and the other a description of a £1 coin, not like in the ‘old’ days when it was a paper note

18a     Bank that’s really heartless (4)
RELY – Remove the middle two letters (heartless) from REalLY

20a     Object to being given another posting? (6)
RESENT – If this were 2,4, it would mean given another posting

21a     Tear down line in protest before I shut up (8)
DEMOLISH – DEMO (protest) L (line) I (from the clue) SH (shut up, be quiet)

23a     Phrasing sign of spring in reference books (12)
DICTIONARIES – DICTION (phrasing) ARIES (a sign of the Zodiac in the spring)

26a     Namely, short day in Rome (4)
IDES – ‘short’ indicates the requirement to remove the last letter from ID ESt (namely)

27a     Steps taken by fighters and a crew at sea (3,5)
WAR DANCE – An anagram (at sea) of AND A CREW

28a     Listen in when broadcast is left-wing, in a way (8)
LENINIST – An anagram (when broadcast) of LISTEN IN


2d     Otherwise name is inserted in personal record, as usual (8)
ORDINARY – OR (otherwise) plus DIARY (personal record) into which is inserted N (name)

3d     Complication with people following magical symbol not starting on time (12)
ENTANGLEMENT – MEN (people) following pENTANGLE (magical symbol, not starting or without its first letter) on top of (in a Down solution) T (time)

4d     Cheap tea — said where it may be found (6)
TINPOT – T (a homophone (said) of Tea) plus IN POT (where it may be found)

5d     Old fogey‘s repeated urge to perform (4)
DODO – Split 2,2 this would produce a repeated urge to perform

6d     Critically discussed member of clergy that is married (8)
REVIEWED – REV (member of clergy) IE (that is) WED (married)

7d     This kept same text, ultimately? (4)
STET – The ultimate letters of thiS kepT samE texT

8d     Start off carelessly, and with little effort to be honest (8)
CANDIDLY – C, the ‘start’ of Carelessly, AND (from the clue) IDLY (with little effort)

12a     Kiwi, for example, unfortunately trapped by European (12)
AUSTRALASIAN – ALAS (unfortunately) ‘trapped’ by AUSTRIAN (European)

14d     Some golf balls are like this (5)
ROUND – A round of golf or the shape of balls – a splendid surface reading, ideal for the person who should have been blogging this crossword

16d     Reduce volume of refuse (4,4)
TURN DOWN – To reduce the volume of a radio, for example, or to refuse to take something

17d     Weed, before spring, having no room to grow (8)
POTBOUND – POT (weed) before BOUND (spring)

19d     Lethargic and liable to forget some shopping? (8)
LISTLESS – Split this synonym for lethargic 4,4 and you may well have a cause to forget your shopping requirements

22d     Workers securing financial support, first of all (6)
MAIDEN – MEN (workers) ‘securing’ AID (financial support)

24d     String for one part of CD (4)
CORD – C OR D – one part of CD

25d     First person killed in confused situation after leader’s removed (4)
ABEL – Remove the ‘leader’ from bABEL (confused situation)
