DT 28444 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28444 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28444 (Hints)

Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.

Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.

A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.

Some hints follow.


1a    Italian lady’s apprehensive about French wine (10)
The definition is French wine, not the Italian lady – instead put her inside a five-letter word meaning apprehensive

9a    Pot of cream I whipped up cold (7)
An anagram (whipped up) of CREAM I followed by C(old)

10a    Indian company possesses very strong electronic material that’s light (7)
The four-letter name of a major Indian company goes around the musical notation for very strong and E(lectronic)

15a    Like care provided by teacher beyond examination (8)
A charade of four-letter words meaning beyond and a type of examination

17a    Familiarise Bill with whimsical charm (8)
The two-letter abbreviation for a bill followed by an adjective meaning with whimsical charm

22a    Insult that’s set out to stifle panache (4,2,3,4)
An anagram (that’s set out) of STIFLE PANACHE

26a    Legendary queen was idle apparently (4)
Split her name (3,1) and it looks like she was idle

27a    It’s lustrous but terribly indiscreet (10)
An anagram (terribly) of INDISCREET


1d    Palm tree taking care of company (4)
A simple charade of the abbreviations for care of and company

2d    A container filled with mostly luscious fruit (7)
The A from the clue and a container around (filled by) most of an adjective meaning luscious

4d    Steal the Spanish coin (6)
A colloquial verb for to steal followed by the Spanish definite article

7d    Leading US rock band in support (7)
The three-letter name of a US rock band inside a support

11d    They hold office party on house (13)
A charade of a party and a house which is one of the twelve divisions of the heavens in astrology

18d    Groomed like Elvis, but I will be ousted by a drunk (7)
An adjective meaning groomed like Elvis in which the I is replaced (will be ousted) by an A

20d    Mean hail storm (7)
A Roman greeting meaning “hail” followed by a storm

23d    Let rip (4)
Two definitions

The Crossword Club is now open.

Could new readers please read the Welcome post and the FAQ before posting comments or asking questions about the site.

As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put any ANSWERS, whether WHOLE, PARTIAL or INCORRECT, or any ALTERNATIVE CLUES in your comment. If in doubt, leave it out!

Please read these instructions carefully – they are not subject to debate or discussion. Offending comments may be redacted or, in extreme cases, deleted. In all cases the administrator’s decision is final.

The Quick Crossword pun: crews+missal=cruise missile

36 comments on “DT 28444 (Hints)

  1. I found this a little more difficult to get into than the usual Saturday fare but I was perhaps distracted by some very indifferent Lion’s rugby from NZ. The next few weeks could prove to be difficult 😩 I’m not totally convinced that French wine accurately describes 1a.

    Thank you BD for the usual elucidation.

  2. 1*/3.5*. I thought this was ideal for a Saturday prize puzzle comprising brief but clear clues with smooth surfaces while providing a reasonably straightforward solve. 26a was my favourite.

    Many thanks to Mr Ron and to BD.

  3. Re 1a, I’m sure that if you think in terms of ‘origin’ the answer is fine.

  4. Completed at a fast canter (just missed a gallop), but not very exciting – 1.5*/2*.

    I thought that one or two clues were a bit ‘iffy’ especially 10a which would appear to need some specialised, rather than general, knowledge.

    No obvious favourite.

    Thanks to the setter and BD.

    1. We were more of a trot… and sometimes a walk.
      Mrs T has decided that McVitties Digestives are better than my toast, any advice from the masses?

      Mr T

  5. Completing the puzzle with the early morning sunshine streaming into the room is, for me, one of life’s little pleasures. I didn’t experience any difficulties either and I particularly liked 18d because, in all probability, I saw the answer straight away.

  6. Like Faraday found this more difficult than the normal Saturday & probably for the same reason. “Could do better” applied to me & the Lions today. Always think 27a has two rs.
    Think 1a just comes into “setter’s licence” & is my COTD: if only because I miss being able to partake of more than the very odd glass.
    Thanks to Mr Ron & BD for hints.

    1. Re 27a, I thought it was spelt with 2″r”s, that held me up for ages. I don’t know why I didn’t check it earlier, it would have cut my solving time by lots.

      1. I had to double-check that, it isn’t, but you feel as though it should be!!

  7. 2*/3* overall with perhaps 11d just my favourite from 26a. A comfortable workout on a sunny Saturday and pleasantly enjoyable while it lasted.

    Thanks to Mr. Ron and BD.

  8. It would seem that I derived far more enjoyment from this one than some others did – Senf, for one!
    Not much to cause a hold up apart from initially choosing the wrong definition for 19a and – like LabsRok – wanting to put an extra ‘R’ into 27a.
    Lots of ticks including 12,22&26a plus 18,20&23a.

    Thanks to Mr. Saturday Ron and to BD.

    Now – do I get back to the MPP or start on the NTSPP? Decisions, decisions…………

    1. Since I started doing the Sunday blog, I have become much more selective when it comes to enjoyment level!

  9. As per RD’s review except I’d give it 1.5* for difficulty.

    Just about to board the plane at Gatwick – Florida bound. I usually travel from Heathrow and not on a Saturday. Gatwick is packed to the rafters…

    Thanks to BD and setter 1.5*/3.5*

  10. Much earlier this week despite the 4 grandchildren being here- how did I get away with it!- last two weeks missed the blog altogether although did send it in.
    Last one in was 26a as I had the wrong last letter in 18d -don’t ask. It was the most amusing as It expressed what I had done all morning. Thought today was a good challenge. Thanks to Mr Ron and of course BD for his confirmations. Surprised there was no hint on 11d…..

      1. Sorry I must have missed it! I got the answer Ok but missed the house bit, not following the stars!

        Will look more carefully next time!

  11. A lot to savour in this straightforward puzzle which did not detain me or long.

  12. Dragged myself from the tennis (should be gardening!) and prior to the Derby to comment. This was a not too demanding puzzle but nevertheless very entertaining. Enjoyed doing it in the sunny garden before breakfast. My Fav also was 26a with 20d running up. Thank you Mysteron and BD.

  13. Like Jane, I enjoyed this Saturday offering. I’m not sure that 1d is really a tree without the other part (trying to avoid the naughy corner).
    Fave was 26a but 15a was close behind.
    Thanks to the setter and BD for his hints.

  14. Like a couple of others I took a little while to get into this one.
    Being slow to get 1a didn’t help – I had an ‘Italian lady’ as the definition and couldn’t think of a ten letter one.
    I’ve never heard of the 10a Indian company and I was thinking of the wrong ‘East Anglian waters’ in 13d for far too long.
    I liked 17 and 22a and 3 and 18d. My favourite was 26a.
    With thanks to whoever set today’s crossword and to BD.
    Thanks also to all those who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday and to BD for the banner.

    I only have one non-blog friend who does crosswords and he made me a birthday card which was a crossword – he’s never set a crossword before and it had most of the names in our family in it, including Annie, my favourite flowers (sweet peas) and various other little gems – what a clever clogs – must have taken him hours!

  15. 19a – always the same on Saturday – the one I’m uncertain about is never mentioned – all the rest of you must find it a doddle, and I’m stumped !

    I’m sure I’ve got the answer, I can see the men in the middle , but the service surrounding them I just can’t fathom – somebody help !!


    1. In the olden days, before the interweb was invented, we used to look stuff up in dictionaries. If you have the component parts of the solution to 19a why not look up the first word of the clue and compare it with your solution

    2. 19a – the definition is slough. You need a service, a churchy one, which contains (in) one of the many two letter abbreviations for ‘men’ in the army.

  16. I thought this was a very good crossword, especially for a Saturday! Some really good clues including 10a and 18d the latter of which was my fave. 3/3* overall.
    Thanks to the setter, and to BD for the hints.

  17. Rugby, tennis, a bit more weeding done in the garden and a satisfying crossword. What more could I have wanted? Well, better rugby maybe. Hope it improves. Thank you setter, I laughed out loud at 26a. Thank you too BD.

  18. Thoroughly enjoyable, about ** for difficulty. Last in 1ac, which I thought would turn out to be something I didn’t know, but wasn’t.

  19. This had the same feel as a ‘Shamus’ gives me, miles off the wavelength, and a huge and not very enjoyable slog.
    I could not find 1d online, and could not be bothered to walk to the bookcase to get the BRB. If I had I would have got that and 1a.
    13d will always remind me of Richard Burton in Were Eagles Dare, ************************** [too much information].
    Superb CL final last night too.

  20. Addicted novice here stuck on 13d, 7d, 19a, 6a….28444 help please!….

    1. Welcome to the blog Carole

      Please read the blog and existing comments before asking questions.

      There is already a hint for 7d and 19a is covered in the comments.

      6a Cheap servant’s filling niche (4)
      The answer is hidden inside the clue

      13d Cutter in East Anglian waters given signal (10)
      This is a charade of some East Anglian waters and a signal

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