August 28, 2009 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 207

Toughie No 207 by Elgar

The Toughest Toughie yet?

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *****+ Enjoyment ****

I always look forward to a puzzle when I see that Elgar is the setter.  This one was extremely tough and maybe, for some of you, too tough.  I did manage to complete all but the 20a/23d clues in the printed version but needed trial and error on CluedUp to complete the job.  The review will take a little while to prepare (and a gallon of coffee as well!) so I have provided all of the answers in the interim.

Feel free to discuss, via the comments, your views on this puzzle.  Unlike a certain other website, (did I say what when multiplied by itself gives 225?) we are happy to take all of your comments, on or off topic, as we regard this as a forum not an academy for the elite.  You don’t need a degree in gobbledygook here!

Continue reading “Toughie 207”

DT 26019

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26019

Hints and tips by Gazza

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *** Enjoyment ****

This is my first Friday review and what a pleasure it is to do. Each clue is well crafted with some excellent surface readings. Some may quibble at the presence of five place names but each is very well known.
As usual the answers are hidden inside the curly brackets – just select the white space to reveal them. Also, please take the time to express how much you were entertained by the puzzle by clicking on one of the five stars at the bottom of the review. As always we’d be delighted to get a comment from you.

Continue reading “DT 26019”